How to compress LLA-managed libraries

Sometimes a PDS library needs to be compressed to reclaim the free space caused by member deletions. The recommended procedure for compressing an LLA-managed library is:

1. Create a new CSVLLAxx member that includes a REMOVE statement identifying the library that needs to be compressed (ex: CSVLLA02).


2. Then issue the F LLA,UPDATE=xx command (ex: F LLA,UPDATE=02).

3. Compress the library. You can either use “Z” against the data set you want to compress from the ISPF panel or submit a job to do the compress.

4. Create a new CSVLLAxx member that includes a LIBRARIES statement to return the compressed library to LLA management (ex: CSVLLA03).


5. Then issue the F LLA,UPDATE=xx command (ex: F LLA,UPDATE=03).


CSVLLAxx is a member of SYS1.PARMLIB.

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