EREP Selection Parameters

The following parameters are used to select the records for EREP to use:

Parameter Description
CPU=({nnnnnn|Xnnnnn|XXnnnn}.model [, …])
  • Processor serial and machine type numbers.
  • Use only the records associated with this particular processor.
  • nnnnnn – the six-digit hexadecimal CPU ID number. It defines a single processor in an n-way central processor complex.
  • Xnnnnn – the processor identifier. You may wish to use this form if you want to select all the records for an n-way central processor complex, single image or physically partitioned, without having to specify all the processor addresses individually. For example: 012345, 112345, 212345.
  • XXnnnn – the processor identifier. You may wish to use this form if you want to select all the records for a logical partitioned (PR/SM ™ LPAR) central processor complex, whether single image or physically partitioned
  • model – the four-digit decimal processor model number.
  • Processor serial number and channel unit address.
  • Use only the records associated with this channel unit attached to this processor.
  • serial – the six-digit hexadecimal CPU serial number.
  • cua – a unique three- or four-digit hexadecimal channel or unit address.
  • cuX – two or three hexadecimal digits followed by an X to denote the range of device addresses with those digits ending in 0 through F.
CUA=({[N]addr|[N]addr-[N]addr}[, …])
  • Channel unit address or number.
  • Use only the records associated with this particular channel unit address or channel unit number.
  • addr – a three- or four-digit hexadecimal address or group of addresses. The format of the address may be nnXX, nnnX, or nnnn (for example: 01XX, 038X, or 049C). nnXX means that EREP processes all controller or unit addresses on channel nn; nnnX means that EREP processes all unit addresses on channel or control unit nnn. Important: The channel identifier can be one or two digits.
  • addr-addr – a range of contiguous hexadecimal addresses, which may include more than one channel and control unit. The lower address must appear first in the expression. An X in the lower address represents a 0; in the upper address it represents an F.
  • N – indicates not; it excludes CUAs from the report. NnnXX means that EREP processes all controller or unit addresses not on channel nn; NnnnX means that EREP processes all unit addresses not on channel or control unit nnn.
DATE=({yyddd[,yyddd] | yyddd[-yyddd]})
  • Use only the records created during this date range.
  • yyddd – the year yy and the Julian day ddd. The first yyddd is the year and day when the date range begins; the second yyddd is the ending year and day. The second date is optional; you can select records from a single date as well as from a range of dates. To select a single date, code only one yyddd.
DEV=(type | Ntype[,type | Ntype]…)
  • Device Type.
  • Use only the records associated with this particular device type; or, conversely, do not use the records associated with this device type.
  • type – a  four character field: either a specific device type (3340, 3420) or the representation of a class of devices (33XX, 34XX).
  • N – indicates not; excludes a device type from the report.
  • Device serial number.
  • Use only the OBR records associated with this tape device serial number. (Use only for the THRESHOLD report and only with the 3410, 3420, and 8809 tape OBR records.)
  • serial – a six-digit decimal device serial number from the service data.
  • Error identifier.
  • Use only the MCH and MVS software records containing this particular error identifier.
  • seqno – a 5-digit decimal error identifier from an MCH record or an MVS software (SFT) record.
  • cpuid – a 2-digit hexadecimal processor (CPU) identifier.
  • asid – a 4-digit hexadecimal address space identifier.
  • hh – a 2-digit decimal value representing the hour.
  • mm – a 2-digit decimal value representing the minute.
  • ss – a 2-digit decimal value representing the second.
  • t – a single decimal digit indicating tenths of the second.
LIA | LIBADR=address
  • Line interface [base] address.
  • Use only the 3705, 3720, 3725 or 3745 communication controller records containing this line interface address.
  • address – a four-digit hexadecimal line interface base address.
  • Processor model.
  • Use only the records containing this processor machine type (number).
  • model – a three- or four-digit decimal processor model number.
MODE={370 | 370XA | ALL}
  • 370 or 370XA
  • Use only the records created in this operating mode.
  • 370 – means 370 mode only.
  • 370/XA – means 370XA and 370/ESA modes only.
  • ALL – means 370, 370XA and 370/ESA modes.
SYMCDE={nnnn | nnnX | nnXX | nXXX}
  • Fault symptom code.
  • Use only the 33XX DASD records containing this particular fault symptom code.
  • n – is a hexadecimal digit.
  • Terminal name.
  • Use only the VTAM or TCAM OBR records containing this terminal name.
  • name – the valid one-to-eight character alphanumeric name assigned to a particular terminal.
TIME=({hhmm,hhmm | hhmm-hhmm})
  • Use only the records created during this time range.
  • hhmm – is a valid time period, hours and minutes.
  • Record type.
  • Use only the records of the specified types.
  • Each code is one of the following:

A – A1 through AF records

B – B1 through BF records

C – CCH/CRW/SLH: Channel check/channel report word/subchannel logout records

D – DDR: Dynamic device reconfiguration records

E – System termination (EOD): End of day and other terminating events

F – F0 through FF records

H – MIH: Missing interrupt records

I – System initialization (IPL): Initial program load

M – MCH: Machine check records

O – OBR: Outboard records; unit checks

S – Software (SFT): System abends and other software events

T – MDR (formerly TPR): Miscellaneous data records

X – C0 through CF records

Y – D0 through DF records

Z – E0 through EF records

  • Volume serial number.
  • Use only the 33XX DASD or 34XX tape records containing this volume serial number.
  • volser – A valid volume identifier (or serial number) that can be from one-to-six alphanumeric characters long.

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