Couple Data Sets

  • XCF – a sysplex couple data set to store information about its systems, the XCF groups and members running in the sysplex, and general status information.
  • CFRM – The Coupling Facility Resource Management (CFRM) couple data set holds the CFRM policy, which allows you to define how MVS is to manage your coupling facility resources.
  • SFM – The Sysplex Failure Management (SFM) couple data set holds the SFM policy, which allows you to define how system failures, signalling connectivity failures, and PR/SM reconfiguration actions are to be managed.
  • WLM – The Workload Management (WLM) couple data set holds the WLM policy, which allows you to define service goals for workloads.
  • ARM – The Automatic Restart Management (ARM) couple data set holds the policy that defines how MVS is to manage restarts for specific batch jobs and started tasks that are registered as elements of automatic restart management.
  • LOGR – The system logger (LOGR) couple data set holds the policy that allows you to define log stream or structure definitions.

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