VSAM Logical Error Codes

004(04) Read past end of file
008(08) You attempted to store a record with a Duplicate Key, or there is a duplicate record for an alternate index with the unique key option.
012(0C) You attempted to store a record out of Ascending Key Sequence in Skip-Sequential Mode; record had a Duplicate Key; for Skip-Sequential processing your GET, PUT, and POINT Requests are not referencing records in Ascending Sequence; or, for Skip-Sequential Retrieval, the key requested is lower than the previous key requested. For Shared Resources, buffer pool is full.
016(10) Record not found.
020(14) Record already held in exclusive control by another requester.
024(18) Record resides on a volume that cannot be mounted.
028(1C) Data set cannot be extended because VSAM can’t allocate additional Direct-Access Storage Space. Either there is not enough space left to make the secondary allocation or you attempted to increase the size of a data set while processing SHROPT=4 and DISP=SHR.
036(24) KeyRangeswere specified for the data set when it was defined but no range was specified that includes the record to be inserted.
040(28) Insufficient Virtual Storage to complete the request. 044(2A) Work area too small. 064(40) All available strings are in use.
068(44) You attempted to use a type of processing (Output or Control-Interval Processing) that was not specified when the data set was opened.
074(4A) Trying to use keys on ESDS or RRDS.
076(4C) You issued an Addressed or Control-Interval PUT to add to a Key-Sequenced data set, or issued a Control-Interval put to a Relative Record data set.
080(50) Trying to delete from ESDS.
084(54) Using OPTCODE=LOC for a PUT.
088(58) You issued a Sequential GET request without having caused VSAM to be positioned for it, or you changed from Addressed Access to Keyed Access without causing VSAM to be positioned for Keyed- Sequential Retrieval; there was no Sequential PUT insert for a Relative Record data set, or you attempted an illegal switch between forward and backward processing.
92(5C) A PUT for update or an ERASE was issued without a previous GET for update, or a PUTIX was issued without a previous GETIX.
96(60) Changing the Prime Key or Key of Reference when making an update. 100(64 Trying to change record length.
104(68) The RPL options are either invalid or conflicting. 108(6C) RECLEN specified was larger than the maximum allowed, equal to 0, or smaller than the sum of the length and the displacement of the key field; RECLEN was not equal to record (SLOT) size specified for a Relative Record data set.
112(70) Invalid key length.
116(74) Trying to update an empty dataset.
120(78) Request was submitted by the wrong task. 132(84) An attempt was made in Locate Mode to retrieve a Spanned Record.
136(88) You attempted an Addressed GET of a Spanned record in a Key- Sequenced data set.
140(8C) Inconsistent Spanned record.
144(90) Invalid pointer (no associated base record) in an Alternate Index.
148(94) Maximum number of Alternate Index pointers exceeded.
152(98) Not enough buffers available.
156(9C) Invalid control interval.
192(C0) Invalid Relative Record number in a RRDS dataset.
196(C4) Addressed access to a Relative Record (RRDS) dataset is not allowed.
200(C8) Addressed Access or Generic Backward processing by Key thru a path is not allowed.
204(CC) Attempting a PUT in backward mode.
252(FC) Record mode processing is not allowed for a Linear data set.

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