IRRDBU00 is the IBM RACF database unload utility that can be used to create a sequential file from a RACF database.

The sequential file produced can then be used to:

  • View the RACF environment configuration
  • Used as input for programs
  • Manipulated with sort/merge utilities
  • Be loaded into a database manager to process complex inquiries and create reports
  • Diagnosis (such as identifying RACF profiles in error)


Running the database unload utility:

//         UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(50,50)),
//         RECFM=VB,LRECL=4096
Defines a sequential message data set.
Defines the RACF input dataset that makes up the RACF database. The input datasets must have all of the characteristics of a RACF database; that is, they must be contiguous single-extent data sets, non-VIO, with a logical record length (LRECL) of 4096 and a record format (RECFM) of fixed (F).
The n in INDDn refers to the location of the data set name in the dataset name table (ICHRDSNT). If you have not split your RACF database, you only have to specify INDD1. If you have split your RACF database, you can unload each part with a separate utility invocation and specify INDD1 for the input dataset, or you can unload all of the parts with one utility invocation.
Defines the single sequential output data set. The size of the output data set is roughly estimated as twice the size of the used portion of the input dataset. The dataset allocation should be set to blocked data set (RECFM=VB) and LRECL value of at least 4096.



  • The input datasets must reside on DASD.
  • Tape input datasets are not supported.
  • Aliases cannot be used when specifying the input dataset names.
  • User submitting the JCL must have UPDATE authority to the RACF database (INDDn).
  • A parameter must be specified in the PARM field on the EXEC statement.
  • Using the backup copy of the RACF database is allowed.
  • Using an active copy of the RACF database can affect system performance and it is not recommended.


Parameters that can be used in the PARM= statement:

    • This value allows the unload to be performed and does not change the state of the input database.
    • If the database is locked, it remains locked.
    • If the database is unlocked, it remains unlocked.
    • If INDDn is the active database, the unloaded database might contain inconsistencies.
    • This value ensures that the RACF database used as input is not updated by other jobs while the utility is running.
    • Statistics are still updated.
    • Recommended parameter if using IRRDBU00 against an active RACF database.
    • Users might be unable to:
      • Change the password or password phrase
      • Specify a correct password or password phrase after specifying an incorrect one
      • Successfully complete the first logon of the day
    • This value is used to unlock a database that had previously been locked by the LOCKINPUT parameter.
    • This action enables the input database and allows it to be updated.
    • No data unloading is done when this parameter is used.


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