Command keyboard key

Useful DFSMShsm User Commands

The following is a list of useful DFSMShsm user commands, containing their description, syntax and some examples. Command Description HALTERDSHAL Changes the data set parameters that affect backup. This command only applies to NON-SMS managed data sets.  Syntax:     HALTERDS (dsname/password…)              FREQUENCY(days) or SYSFREQUENCY              VERSIONS(limit) or SYSVERSIONS  Examples:HALTERDS PARTSTST.CNTL  VERSIONS(13) FREQUENCY(999) […]



IRRDBU00 is the IBM RACF database unload utility that can be used to create a sequential file from a RACF database. The sequential file produced can then be used to: View the RACF environment configuration Used as input for programs Manipulated with sort/merge utilities Be loaded into a database manager […]


The OWNER of a RACF Resource

It is important to understand what owning a RACF resource really means to avoid security misconfigurations and the introduction of security vulnerabilities in your mainframe environment. In this article, I will try to explain the concept of a RACF resource OWNER, and describe what the OWNER can actually do. Let’s […]