Command keyboard key

MVS command to Add an Exit routine to an Exit

When you require to add an exit routine to an exit you may use the most simple form of the Add command: /SETPROG EXIT,ADD,EXITNAME=exit_name,MODNAME=mod_name,DSNAME=dsname Example: exit_name = SYS.IEFACTRT mod_name = IEFACTRT dsname = SYS2.LINKLIB.TST1 /SETPROG EXIT,ADD,EXITNAME=SYS.IEFACTRT,MODNAME=IEFACTRT,DSNAME=SYS2.TST1.LINKLIB Other parameters: When adding an Exit routine to an Exit you may also have […]

Command keyboard key

MVS commands to display Dynamic Exits

The following are some of the most common ways to display Exits and Exit Routines: 1. Display the names of all the Exits /D PROG,EXIT,ALL Example of what this command returns: CSV460I 13.31.32 PROG,EXIT DISPLAY 941 EXIT             DEF EXIT             DEF EXIT             DEF SYSSTC.IEFACTRT   E  SYSSTC.IEFUJI     E  SYSSTC.IEFUJV     E SYS.IEFACTRT      E  […]

Command keyboard key

MVS command to Delete an Exit routine from an Exit

The following command deletes an exit routine from an exit: /SETPROG EXIT,DELETE,EXITNAME=exit_name,MODNAME=mod_name,FORCE=yes_no Example: exit_name = SYSSTC.IEFACTRT mod_name = IEFACTRT /SETPROG EXIT,DELETE,EXITNAME=SYSSTC.IEFACTRT,MODNAME=IEFACTRT Note: FORCE = NO is the default value and therefore we don’t need to specify it. This changes the state of the exit routine to inactive and the system […]