
Fixed Link Pack Area (FLPA)

It’s defined in SYS1.PARMLIB(IEAFIXxx). It’s a non-pageale area of storage. It’s loaded at IPL time from IEAFIXxx. The data sets in its concatenation must be in the Master Catalog. The Load modules must be kept in Fixed Storage Frames, ie, they cannot be paged out. This area should be used […]

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Pageable Link Pack Area (PLPA)

It’s defined in SYS1.PARMLIB(LPALSTxx). It’s an area of Common Storage that is loaded at IPL time. This area contains SVC routines, access methods, and other READ-ONLY System Programs, along with any READ-ONLY reenterable user programs selected by an installation that can be shared among users of the system. There cannot […]

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Link Pack Area (LPA)

It’s a common Virtual Storage Area. It’s non-getmainable. It’s built at IPL time by loading Load modules contained in SYS1.LPALIB and its concatenations. There are 2 LPAs: one above “the line” (16MB) and the other below depending on the residence mode of the load module. Because the Load modules are […]