Update Linklist dynamically

Some people dread the idea of having to update the Linklist dynamically but in fact it’s a very simple process: Update the PROGxx member that your system uses from PARMLIB: Add/remove libraries as required Change the LNKLSTnn reference to LNKLSTnn+1 Issue the following MVS commands: SETPROG LNKLST,UNALLOCATE P LLA SET […]

Command keyboard key

Display PARMLIB concatenation

An LPAR can have more then one PARMLIB dataset defined to it’s concatenation. The PARMLIB concatenation is defined on the LOADxx member and we can use the MVS command “D PARMLIB”to list it. Example: “D PARMLIB” command returns: RESPONSE=LP1T IEE251I 08.54.47 PARMLIB DISPLAY 825 PARMLIB DATA SETS SPECIFIED AT IPL […]