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EREP Selection Parameters

The following parameters are used to select the records for EREP to use: Parameter Description CPU=({nnnnnn|Xnnnnn|XXnnnn}.model [, …]) Processor serial and machine type numbers. Use only the records associated with this particular processor. nnnnnn – the six-digit hexadecimal CPU ID number. It defines a single processor in an n-way central […]


List the Information from the Logrec Data Set

Next are a few examples of Jobs to list information from the Logrec Data Set: 1. Detail Edit Report This job generates detail edits and summaries of all software and operational records: //EREPRPT1 JOB,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),MSGCLASS=X,NOTIFY=&SYSUID //REPORT1   EXEC  PGM=IFCEREP1,PARM=’CARD’ //ACCIN     DD  DSN=MVS.LOGREC.HISTORY,DISP=SHR //DIRECTWK  DD  UNIT=SYSDA, //              SPACE=(CYL,5,,CONTIG) //EREPPT    DD  SYSOUT=A,DCB=BLKSIZE=133 //TOURIST   DD  […]

Question keyboard key

EREP Report Parameters

The following parameters are used to request reports from EREP: Parameter Description EVENT=Y or N Produces a three-part event history report that lists errors in chronological order. Shows how often errors occur and in what order. Used to establish a pattern and identify problems. No is the default value. PRINT= […]


Create a History Data Set from the Logrec Data Set

By creating a history file and then running all the reports against that file, the Systems Programmer ensures that all of the reports are using the same set of records. //LOGRECHS JOB CLASS=A,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),MSGCLASS=X,NOTIFY=&SYSUID //*—————————————————————— //* COPIES SYS1.LOGREC TO HISTORY FILE MVS.LOGREC.HISTORY //*—————————————————————— //HISTORY EXEC PGM=IFCEREP1,REGION=1024K, // PARM=’ACC,ZERO=N’ //SERLOG DD DISP=(OLD,KEEP),DSN=SYS1.LOGREC […]