– Objective-C Essential Training

In this course, Simon Allardice provides a nuts-and-bolts overview of Objective-C, the popular language for developing Mac, iPhone, and iPad applications, and discusses how to build a basic application using Objective-C and Xcode 4. The course shows how to download and install the development tools, covers every major feature of the language, and walks through the writing, compiling, and debugging stages of development. Programmers will also learn about memory management, a vital aspect of programming in Objective-C and the Foundation framework.


Topics include: Objective-C Essential Training

  • Understanding the structure of an Objective-C program
  • Logging messages to the command line
  • Writing conditional code
  • Working with variables, classes, and functions
  • Creating code loops
  • Using existing classes in the Foundation framework
  • Managing memory usage
  • Introducing Automatic Reference Counting
  • Creating custom classes
  • Working with arrays
  • Reading and writing strings
  • Understanding inheritance and NSObject
  • Using Categories and Protocols
  • Compiling and debugging code


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