IEBGENER is a DFSMSdfp utility used to perform the following tasks:

  1. Produce a backup copy of a sequential dataset, a member of a PDS or PDSE or a z/OS Unix file
  2. Produce a PDS or PDSE, or a member of either, from a sequential file or a z/OS Unix file
  3. Expand an existing PDS or PDSE dataset
  4. Produce an “edited” sequential dataset, PDS, PDSE, or a member in either
  5. Handle double-byte character set data DBCS data
  6. Produce printed list of either sequential datasets, PDS/PDSE members or z/OS Unix files
  7. Re-block a dataset or change its logical record length
  8. Provide exit or editing capabilities for label processing, input data editing, key creation, or permanent I/O error processing
  9. Copy user labels on sequential output data sets


General structure:

//SYSUT1 DD DSN=...,DISP=...
//SYSUT2 DD DSN=...,DISP=...
control statements...



SYSPRINT DD statement is required. It defines a sequential dataset for messages. The dataset can be written to a system output device, a tape volume, or a DASD volume.

SYSUT1 DD statement points to the input file for the IEBGENER operation. It can define a sequential dataset, a member of a partitioned dataset or PDSE or a z/OS UNIX file. A sequential dataset can be basic format, large format, extended format, compressed format, spooled input, tape, card reader, TSO terminal or DUMMY.

SYSUT2 DD statement points to the output file for the IEBGENER operation. It can define a sequential dataset, a member of a partitioned dataset or PDSE, a partitioned dataset or PDSE or a z/OS UNIX file. A sequential dataset can be basic format, large format, extended format, compressed format, spooled output, tape, card punch, printer, TSO terminal or DUMMY. Reblocking is accomplished if the SYSUT2 BLKSIZE is a new maximum blocksize.  RECFM must be specified for the SYSUT2 file if the dataset is new or DUMMY.  BLKSIZE must always be specified for the SYSUT2 DD statement if LRECL and RECFM are also specified.

SYSIN DD specifies the control statements or DUMMY. SYSIN control statements can be on DASD, TAPE or in-stream data. The SYSIN block size must be multiple of 80, with a maximum allowed BLKSIZE of 32,720, and a RECFM of F or FB.


For more information please check IBM manual: z/OS DFSMSdfp Utilities.

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