How to Invoke USS from z/OS Batch Jobs

In order to run Unix System Services (USS) shell commands, scripts and others, from a batch job, you can use the BPXBATCH program provided with z/OS. BPXBATCH can be invoked form a JCL (batch job) or from TSO: JCL: EXEC PGM=BPXBATCH,PARM=’SH program-name’ EXEC PGM=BPXBATCH,PARM=’PGM program-name’ TSO: BPXBATCH SH program-name BPXBATCH […]


Using SUPERC to Search for Text Strings

SUPERC (super compare) is one of ISPF’s most useful utilities; It allows to compare datasets or search for text strings. Normally, SUPERC is used via ISPF panels but it can also be used in batch job. SUPERC is able to process: Sequential datasets Partitioned datasets (including individual members) Concatenated datasets […]