CARLa to list RACF Global Access Table Profiles

The following CARLa script will list the RACF Global Access Table (GAT) profiles: n i=base s c=general and s=base c=GLOBAL sortlist class(key,pas) searchkey(key,nondispl) key(key,pas,12), memlst(header,0,sort) The result of the above CARLa script should look like: Class Profile key Members GLOBAL DATASET &RACUID.**/ALTER SYS1.HELP/READ  


CARLa to report on the number of users connected to each RACF group

The following CARLa will report on all RACF groups and the number of  users connected to them: newlist type=RACF select c=group s=base sortlist key(‘Group’,8) owner supgroup aclcnt The result of the above CARLa script should look like: Group    Owner    SupGroup Perms #AUX     #RMF     #RMF         2 #LUXBRG  #RMF     #RMF         0 #RMF     SYS1     SYS1       […]


CARLa to list RACF user’s attributes

The following CARLa will produce a list of RACF userids and their attributes: newlist type=RACF select class=user segment=base sortlist key(8) pgmrname owner dfltgrp revoke(8) special operations auditor   The output report produced is: Profile Name         Owner   DfltGrp Revoked Spc Opr Aud USER01  TEST USER 01 TESTGRP TESTGRP YES USER02  TEST […]