CARLa to report on the number of users connected to each RACF group

The following CARLa will report on all RACF groups and the number of  users connected to them:

newlist type=RACF
select c=group s=base
sortlist key(‘Group’,8) owner supgroup aclcnt

The result of the above CARLa script should look like:

Group    Owner    SupGroup Perms
#AUX     #RMF     #RMF         2
#LUXBRG  #RMF     #RMF         0
#RMF     SYS1     SYS1       344
#RMFZR   #RMF     #RMF         4
#RMFCA   #RMF     #RMF         0
#RMFCB   #RMF     #RMF         0
#RMFCV   #RMF     #RMF         3
#RMFINS  #RMF     #RMF        21
#RMFP    #RMF     #RMF        60
#SDSF    #RMF     #RMF         0
#TEST1   #RMF     #RMF         1
#TEST2   #RMF     #RMF         1
ABCA10   #RMF     #RMF         0
ABCB20   #RMF     #RMF         0
ABCD     #RMF     #RMF         0

When using the ACLCNT  field with CLASS=GROUP, the result will be the number of users connected to a RACF group.




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