How To Change the ID of the Last User to Modify a Dataset Member?

Ok, so you’ve changed a dataset member ‘accidentally’ and now you want to ‘cover’ your tracks by blaming someone else. Fair enough… maybe… 🙂

So, how do you do this? Quite simple really. You just need to reset the ISPF statistics of the member in question. Here’s an example on how to do it:

Let’s suppose we want to modify the userid reference of the last person who has changed member $INDEX of dataset SYS2.CODE.LIB. As you can see below, the last person to modify the member was USER01 (us). But we want to change it to USER99, that annoying little prick who keeps pesting us at work. To do this, we just need to use option G next to the member and hit ENTER.

 VIEW              SYS2.CODE.LIB                             Row 00001 of 00172
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR
            Name     Prompt       Size   Created          Changed          ID
 ____G____ $INDEX                  474  2013/11/07  2014/05/22 15:27:00  USER01
 _________ @EMAILS                   4  2014/03/26  2014/03/26 13:38:20  USER01
 _________ @HEADER                  16  2014/03/24  2014/04/07 14:01:44  USER01
 _________ @HEADER2                 18  2014/04/07  2014/04/07 14:01:58  USER01
 _________ @INPUT                    0  2014/05/13  2014/05/13 15:14:12  USER01

You will then get a screen where you can reset the ISPF statistics of the member. Now just select option 1, add USER99 to the New Userid field and hit ENTER.

    Menu  Functions  Confirm  Utilities  Help                                    
 - +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ -- 
 V |                       Reset Member Statistics      Ext Stats Disabled | 72 
 C |                                                                       | R  
   |  Data Set Name:                                                       |    
 G |  ‘SYS2.CODE.LIB($INDEX)'                                              | 01 
 _ |                                                                       | 01 
 _ |  Options                                                              | 01 
 _ |  1  1. Reset ISPF statistics                                          | 01 
 _ |     2. Delete ISPF statistics                                         | 01 
 _ |                                                                       | 01   
 _ |  New Userid  . . . USER99   (If userid is to be changed)              | 01   
 _ |  New Version . . .          (If version number is to be changed)      | 01 
 _ |  New Mod . . . . .          (If mod number is to be changed)          | 01 
 _ |  "/" to select . .          (If extended stats to be generated)       | 01 
 _ |                                                                       | 01 
 _ | Press ENTER to process action. Press CANCEL to cancel reset.          | 01 
 _ |                                                                       | 01 
 _ |                                                                       | 01 
 _ |                                                                       | 01 
 _ |                                                                       | 01 
 _ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ 01 

The end result will be that now USER99 is shown has the last user to to modify member $INDEX:

 VIEW              SYS2.CODE.LIB                             Row 00001 of 00172 
 Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR  
            Name     Prompt       Size   Created          Changed          ID   
 _________ $INDEX                  474  2013/11/07  2014/05/22 15:27:00  USER99 
 _________ @EMAILS                   4  2014/03/26  2014/03/26 13:38:20  USER01 
 _________ @HEADER                  16  2014/03/24  2014/04/07 14:01:44  USER01 
 _________ @HEADER2                 18  2014/04/07  2014/04/07 14:01:58  USER01 
 _________ @INPUT                    0  2014/05/13  2014/05/13 15:14:12  USER01 

1 Comment

  1. Thanks for the tip! 🙂
    It’s great, and even works fast for changing/deleting the ID: you do the first, and just enter multiple ‘g’-s in front of the members, and behold! It’s ready 🙂

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