GSE UK Conference 2015 in Whitlebury, UK (03 – 04 Nov)

On November 3 and 4, I will be presenting at the annual GSE UK Conference that will occur in Whitlebury (UK).

The subjects of my 2 presentations for the conference are:

Cybersecurity and the Mainframe
In a digital age of cloud computing and mobile systems; where cybersecurity, cybercrime and cyberwar are part of the day-to-day vocabulary, how secure is the mainframe? Is it safe to assume that the mainframe is secure by default? Can we ignore the fact that the mainframe is just another platform in the great scheme of things? How vital is the mainframe and the data that it stores for you and your company?

Challenges of Outsourcing the Mainframe
In this session we will discuss the challenges a company faces when the mainframe is outsourced. We will be looking at what should be considered when contemplating an outsource. Rui will be talking about his knowledge in working with companies that have been outsourced, drawing on his experience of over 10 years working for outsourcing companies.

Visit the GSE UK Conference 2015 2015 website for more information or to register in the event.

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