The RACF Started Task definition table ICHRIN03

Before the introduction of the RACF STARTED class, table ICHRIN03 was the way RACF had to control started tasks. However, and contrary to what we may believe, ICHRIN03 still plays an important role.

ICHRIN03 is still used when:

  • No STARTED class profile covering a resource exists
  • A STARTED class profile exists but does not have an STDATA segment
  • A STARTED class profile exists with an STDATA segment, but the segment lacks a USER field
  • The RACF STARTED class is not active

As such, it is highly recommended that besides having RACF STARTED class defined, that we keep a basic functional ICHRIN03 with the necessary started tasks defined to IPL z/OS. By doing this we insure that we have an alternative way to control started tasks if:

  • There’s an error with the RACF STARTED class
  • RACF STARTED class profiles are deleted
  • The RACF STARTED class is deactivated.

Finally, table ICHRIN03 should also contain the catchall entry defined within the RACF STARTED Class.

For more information on RACF table ICHRIN03 and how to maintain it, please refer to IBM manual “z/OS Security Server RACF System Programmer’s Guide“.


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