Useful Operator Commands to Manage a Parallel Sysplex Environment

The following table contains the list of some useful operator commands to manage a Parallel Sysplex environment:

Command Description
ATS STAR commands
D U,,AS Display auto switchable tape devices.
V xxxx,AS,ON Turn on the auto switchable attribute for a specific device.
V xxxx,AS,OFF Turn off the auto switchable attribute for a specific device.
Configuration commands
D IOS,CONFIG Display IOS configuration information.
D IOS,GROUP Display the systems that belong to the same IOS group.
D M=CPU Display CPU information.
D M=CHP(nn) Display channel path information for a specific channel.
D M=DEV(nnnn) Display channel path information for a specific device.
D U,IPLVOL Display information about the IPL volume.
D IPLINFO Display IPL information for this system.
D OPDATA Display operator information.
D PARMLIB Display the PARMLIB data sets and volumes.
D SYMBOLS Display the static system symbols.
D SSI Display information about all the subsystems.
ACTIVATE IODF=xx Activate a specific IODF data set.
Console commands
D C Display console characteristics.
D C,A,CA Display console associations for active consoles.
D C,B Display consoles with messages queuing for output.
D CNGRP Display members of the active console group.
D EMCS,S Display a list of EMCS consoles.
D EMCS,F,CN=consname Display detailed information about a specific EMCS console.
V CN(*),ACTIVATE Activate the HMC console.
V CN(*),DEACTIVATE Deactivate the HMC console.
V CN(console),MSCOPE=(*) Modify this console to receive messages from the system it is defined on.
V CN(console),MSCOPE=(*ALL) Modify this console to receive messages from all systems in the sysplex.
V CN(console),MSCOPE=(sys1,sys2,…) Modify this console to receive messages from specific systems in the sysplex.
V CN(console),ROUT=(ALL) Modify this console to receive messages with all routing codes.
V CN(console),ROUT=(rcode1,rcode2,…) Modify this console to receive messages with specific routing codes.
RO sysname,command Route command to a specific system.
RO *ALL,command Route command to all systems.
RO *OTHER,commands Route command to all systems except the system where this command was entered.
DEVSERV commands
DS P,nnnn Display the status of a specific device.
DS QP,nnnn Display the PAV configuration of a specific device.
DS SMS,nnnn Display the SMS information of a specific device.
DQ QD,nnnn Display diagnostic information about the status of a specific device and its control unit.
ETR commands
D ETR Display the status of STP or the Sysplex Timer.
SETETR,PORT=n Enable ETR port 0 or 1.
GRS commands
D GRS,A Display GRS configuration information.
D GRS,ANALYZE Display an analysis of system contention.
D GRS,C Display GRS contention information.
D GRS,RES=(*,dsname) Display enqueue contention for a single data set.
D GRS,DEV=nnnn Display RESERVE requests for a specific device.
D GRS,DELAY Display jobs which are delaying a T GRSRNL command.
D GRS,SUSPEND Display jobs which are suspended, pending the completion of a T GRSRNL command.
T GRSRNL=(xx) Implement a new GRS RNL member dynamically.
JES2 commands
$D MEMBER(*) Display every member of the JES2 MAS.
$E MEMBER(sysname) Perform clean-up processing after a member of a MAS fails.
$D JOBQ,SPOOL=(%>n) Display jobs using more than a specified percentage of the spool.
$D MASDEF Display the MAS environment.
$D CKPTDEF Display the checkpoint configuration.
$E CKPTLOCK,HELDBY=sysname Reset the checkpoint lock.
$T CKPTDEF,RECON=Y Initiate JES2 checkpoint reconfiguration dialog.
$T SPOOLDEF,… Change spooldef parameters dynamically.
$S XEQ Allow initiators to select new work.
$P XEQ Stop initiators selecting new work.
$T JOBCLASS(*),QHELD=Y|N Hold or release specified job queues.
Logger commands
D LOGGER Display Logger status.
D LOGGER,CONN Display all logstreams with connections to the system where you issued this command.
D LOGGER,L Display logstream sysplex information.
D LOGGER,STR Display logstreams defined to any structure.
SETLOGR FORCE,DISC,LSN=logstreamname Disconnect all connections to a specific logstream from the system where the command was issued.
SETLOGR FORCE,DEL,LSN=logstreamname Delete a specific logstream from the LOGR CDS.
LOGREC commands
D LOGREC Display the status of logrec recording.
SETLOGRC LOGSTREAM Activate logstream logrec recording.
SETLOGRC DATASET Activate data set logrec recording.
Operlog commands
D C,HC Display the status of the hardcopy log.
V OPERLOG,HARDCOPY Activate Operlog.
V OPERLOG,HARDCOPY,OFF Deactivate Operlog.
PDSE commands
V SMS,PDSE,MONITOR Display the status of the PDSE monitor.
V SMS,PDSE,MONITOR,ON|OFF Turn PDSE monitor processing on or off.
V SMS,PDSE,ANALYSIS Analyse the state of the PDSE subsystem.
V SMS,PDSE,FREELATCH Release a latch that the ANALYSIS command has identified is frozen.
SMF commands
D SMF Display SMF information.
T SMF=xx Activate a new SMF parmlib member.
SETSMF parameter Add or replace an SMF parameter dynamically.
SMSVSAM commands
D SMS,SMSVSAM,ALL Display SMSVSAM server address space.
D SMS,CFLS Display information about the lock structure in the CF.
D SMS,CFCACHE(structurename|*) Display information about cache structures in the CF.
D SMS,CFVOL(volid) Display a list of CF cache structures that contain data for the specified volume.
D SMS,CICSVR(ALL) Display information about the CICSVR address space.
D SMS,LOG(ALL) Display information about the logstreams DFSMStvs is using.
D SMS,DSNAME(dsname) Display information about jobs that have a data set open for DFSMStvs access.
D SMS,JOB(job) Display information about a specific job using DFSMStvs services.
D SMS,TRANVSAM Display status of DFSMStvs.
V SMS,CFCACHE(cachename),E|Q Change the state of a cache structure.
USS commands
D OMVS,O Display the current configuration options.
D OMVS,F Display a list of all HFS and zFS file systems.
D OMVS,A=ALL Display process information for all UNIX System Services address spaces.
T OMVS=xx Activate a new BPXPRMx x parmlib member.
SETOMVS parameter Add or replace an OMVS parameter dynamically.
VTAM commands
D NET,STATS,TYPE=CFS Display VTAM connection to ISTGENERIC structure.
WLM commands
D WLM Display WLM information
V WLM,POLICY=policyname Activate a WLM service policy
V WLM,APPLENV=applenv,RESUME Start an application environment.
V WLM,APPLENV=applenv,QUIESCE Stop an application environment
F WLM,RESOURCE=resource,ON|OFF|RESET Modify WLM resource state
E task,SRVCLASS=srvclass Move a task to a different service class.
XCF commands
D XCF Display systems in the sysplex.
D XCF,S,ALL Display systems in the sysplex and their status time stamp.
D XCF,COUPLE Display couple data set information.
D XCF,PI Display pathin devices and structures.
D XCF,PI,DEV=ALL Display status of pathin devices and structures.
D XCF,PO Display pathout devices and structures.
D XCF,PO,DEV=ALL Display status of pathout devices and structures.
D XCF,POL Display information about active policies.
D XCF,POL,TYPE=type Display information about a specific policy.
D XCF,STR Display a list of all the structures defined in the CFRM policy.
D XCF,STR,STAT=ALLOC Display the allocated structures.
D XCF,STR,STRNAME=strname Display detailed information for a specific structure.
D CF Display detailed information about the CFs.
D XCF,CF Display information about the CFs.
D XCF,ARMSTATUS Display information about ARM.
D XCF,ARMSTATUS,DETAIL Display detailed information about ARM.
V XCF,sysname,OFFLINE Vary a system out of the sysplex.
SETXCF COUPLE,ACOUPLE=dsn,TYPE=type Add an alternate couple data set for a specific component.
SETXCF COUPLE,PSWITCH,TYPE=type Remove the primary couple data set and replace it with the alternate couple data set.
Start a policy.
SETXCF START,REALLOC Reallocates CF structures according to the preflist in the active CFRM policy.
SETXCF START,RB,POPCF=cfname Reallocates CF structures into a specific CF according to the preflist in the active CFRM policy.
Reallocates CF structures into another CF according to their preflist.
SETXCF START,RB,STRNAME=strname Rebuild a CF structure.
Start duplexing for a CF structure.
Start duplexing for all the CF structures in a specific CF.
Start CF structure alter processing to change the structure size.
SETXCF FORCE,STR,STRNAME=strname Delete a persistent CF structure.
Delete a failed-persistent connection.
SETXCF FORCE,STRDUMP,STRNAM=strname Delete a structure dump for a specific structure.
SETXCF START,CLASSDEF,CLASS=class Start a transport class.
SETXCF START,MAINTMODE,CFNM=cfname Place a CF into maintenance mode.
SETXCF START,PI,DEV=nnnn Start an inbound signalling path via a CTC.
SETXCF START,PI,STRNM=(strname) Start an inbound signalling path via a CF structure.
SETXCF START,PO,DEV=nnnn Start an outbound signalling path via a CTC.
SETXCF START,PO,STRNM=(strname) Start an outbound signalling path via a CF structure.
SETXCF START,CLASSDEF,CLASS=class Start a transport class.
SETXCF STOP,MAINTMODE,CFNM=cfname Make a CF available for allocations again after maintenance is complete.
SETXCF STOP,PI,DEV=nnnn Stop an inbound signalling path via a CTC.
SETXCF STOP,PI,STRNM=(strname) Stop an inbound signalling path via a CF structure.
SETXCF STOP,PO,DEV=nnnn Stop an outbound signalling path via a CTC.
SETXCF STOP,PO,STRNM=(strname) Stop an outbound signalling path via a CF structure.
SETXCF MODIFY,… Modify XCF parameters:
· Pathin
· Pathout
· Transport classes

More information on Parallel Sysplex can be found in the following recommended IBM Redbooks:


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