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Swapping is the process of transferring all of the pages of an address space between real storage and auxiliary storage. A swapped-in address space is active; having pages in real storage frames and pages in auxiliary storage slots. A swapped-out address space is inactive; the address space resides on auxiliary […]

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The Paging Process

In addition to the DAT hardware and the segment and page tables required for address translation, paging activity involves a number of system components to handle the movement of pages and several additional tables to keep track of the most current version of each page. To understand how paging works, […]

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Frames, Pages and Slots

When a program is selected for execution, the system brings it into virtual storage, divides it into pages of 4 kilobytes (4K), and transfers the pages into real storage for execution. To the programmer, the entire program appears to occupy contiguous space in storage at all times. Actually, not all […]

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Virtual Storage

Virtual Storage means that each running program can assume it has access to all of the storage defined by the architecture’s addressing scheme. The only limit is the number of bits in a storage address. This ability to use a large number of storage locations is important because a program […]