CARLa to report on the number of users connected to each RACF group

The following CARLa will report on all RACF groups and the number of  users connected to them: newlist type=RACF select c=group s=base sortlist key(‘Group’,8) owner supgroup aclcnt The result of the above CARLa script should look like: Group    Owner    SupGroup Perms #AUX     #RMF     #RMF         2 #LUXBRG  #RMF     #RMF         0 #RMF     SYS1     SYS1       […]


CARLa to list RACF user’s attributes

The following CARLa will produce a list of RACF userids and their attributes: newlist type=RACF select class=user segment=base sortlist key(8) pgmrname owner dfltgrp revoke(8) special operations auditor   The output report produced is: Profile Name         Owner   DfltGrp Revoked Spc Opr Aud USER01  TEST USER 01 TESTGRP TESTGRP YES USER02  TEST […]


RACF Profiles

In RACF, a profile describes the security characteristics of a user, a group of users, or one or more mainframe resources. Profile Type Description User profiles A user profile is a description of a RACF-defined user. The information in the profile includes the user ID, the user name, the user’s […]