The 12 Principles Of Successful Freelancing

This was taken from the book “The Principles Of Successful Freelancing” authored by Miles Burke (which I highly recommend) and should be used as guide lines to your sucessful freelancing career:

  1. Get Organized – Keep your workspace tidy and plan ahead (short- and long-term).
  2. Control Stress – Remain calm and work through issues to avoid early burnout..
  3. Research – Spend quality time researching your proposed business-it’s more than a five minute web surf.
  4. Be Passionate – Love your work! You should enjoy what you do for a living.
  5. Budget – Save for a rainy day rather than spend every cent as it comes in.
  6. Value your Health – Bad health stops you from working. Take time to exercise and maintain a nutritious diet.
  7. Embrace Selling – Enjoy the sales challenge-it’s easier than you think!
  8. Satisfy Customers – Don’t do average work-exceed their expectations and make them need you.
  9. Grow Your Network – Value family and friends’ support, and meet new people all the time.
  10. Maintain Cashflow – It’s what is in the bank that counts, not what you are billing-understand the difference.
  11. Continually Learn – Keep acquiring new skills and knowledge, every week. Let it slip and you could be left behind.
  12. Achieve a Work/Life Balance – Your life should be more than work-maintain a good balance for health and success.