Generation Data Group (GDG)

GDG is a collection of historically related non-VSAM data sets that are arranged in chronological order. Each data set within a GDG is called a generation data set (GDS) or generation. Within a GDG, the generations can have like or unlike DCB attributes and data set organizations. If the attributes […]


JCL most common operands

1. JOB Statement REGION= Requests specific memory resources to be allocated to the Job NOTIFY= User to be notified at job completion USER= Userid to assume authority to the Job TIME= Limits the amount of time a program can run TYPRUN= Delays or holds the Job from running CLASS= Directs […]



Linklist is used to improve the performance of program management and mechanisms utilized to locate and fetch Load modules, such as LLA and VLF. Linklist is a group of system and a user-defined Load library that is a continuation of SYS1.LINKLIB and also indicates the search order the system uses […]

Question keyboard key

Virtual Lookaside Facility (VLF)

VLF keeps objects (for example Load modules) in Virtual Storage in order to save I/O operations that would load such objects. Designed primarily to improve performance by retrieving the most currently used objects from Virtual Storage rather then performing repetitive I/O operations from DASD. VLF can be configured by using […]