JCL most common operands

1. JOB Statement

REGION= Requests specific memory resources to be allocated to the Job
NOTIFY= User to be notified at job completion
USER= Userid to assume authority to the Job
TIME= Limits the amount of time a program can run
TYPRUN= Delays or holds the Job from running
CLASS= Directs JCL to execute on a particular Input queue
MSGCLASS= Directs Job output to a particular Output queue
MSGLEVEL= Controls the number of system messages to be received

2. EXEC Statement

PGM= Executable program name
PROC Procedure name
PARM= Parameters known by and passed to the program
COND= Boolean logic for controlling the execution of other EXEC steps in this job
TIME= Imposes a time limit

3. DD Statement

DSN= Name of the data set
DISP= Data Set disposition (see below for more information)
SPACE= Amount of disk storage request for a new data set
SYSOUT= Defines a print location (and the Output queue or data set)
VOL=SER= Volume name, disk name, or tape name
UNIT= System disk, tape, special device type, or esoteric
DEST= Routes Output to a remote destination
LABEL= Tape label expected (No Label or Standard Label followed by the Data Set location)
DUMMY Results in a NULL Input or throwing away data written to this DD name
* Input data or control statements follow

DISP parameter

Define as DISP=(status, normal end, abnormal end)


  • Indicates that a new data set is to be created.
  • This job has exclusive access to the data set while it is running.
  • The data set must not already exist
OLD This job is to have exclusive access to the data set while it is running
SHR Several concurrent jobs can share access to this data set while they are running
  • The current job must have exclusive access to the data set while it is running
  • If the current job opens the data set for output, the output will be appended to the current end of the data set

Normal and Abnormal Ends

DELETE Delete and uncatalog the data set at the end of the job step
KEEP Keep the data set at the end of the job step but do not catalog
CATLG Keep the data set at the end of the job step and catalog it
UNCATLG Keep the data set but uncatalog it at the end of the job step
PASS Allow a later job step to specify a final disposition

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