Question keyboard key

Virtual Lookaside Facility (VLF)

VLF keeps objects (for example Load modules) in Virtual Storage in order to save I/O operations that would load such objects. Designed primarily to improve performance by retrieving the most currently used objects from Virtual Storage rather then performing repetitive I/O operations from DASD. VLF can be configured by using […]


Library Lookaside (LLA)

It’s a program management z/OS component that keeps in Virtual Storage Directory entries from Load module libraries, thereby speeding up the fetch of a Load module. LLA improves the performance of Load Module Directory searching on the system. LLA can be a user of VLF facilities to keep copies of […]

Question keyboard key

What is a VTAM major node?

A major node is a list of parameters that define a specific type of network device or group of related devices that VTAM can address. To define the attachment of any device or set of devices to VTAM, you need to code a major node member in the VTAMLST data […]

Command keyboard key
Tech - Mainframe

Useful VTAM commands

1. Display commands D NET,VTAMOPTS Display VTAM options, including SUBAREA Number, NETID, SSCPNAME, SSCPID D NET,BFRUSE Display information about VTAM¢s virtual storage and buffer pool usage D NET,APPLS Display the applications (APPLIDS) that VTAM knows about D NET,PATHTAB Display the status of communications PATHs between subareas in the VTAM network […]

Question keyboard key

Modified Link Pack Area (MLPA)

It’s defined in SYS1.PARMLIB(IEALPAxx). Can be used to contain reenterable load modules from APF-Authorized libraries that are to be part of the pageable extension to the Link Pack Area (LPA) during the current IPL. Can only have PDS files. PDS/Es are not allowed. LPA modules that have been replaced through […]