Set Default Video Player on Mac OS X

If you’re coming from a MS Windows environment it can be a challenge to watch videos on Mac OS X, mainly because most of the usual video file extensions (.wmv, .avi, .divx, .mkv, etc) are not associated with a Mac OS X program.

In this case, we need to associate the file extension to a specific program under Mac OS X:

  1. Select the file you want
  2. Select “FILE” followed by “GET INFO” (or simply  + I)
  3. Under “Open With”, select the program you wish to use to open the file
  4. If you want to use this same program to open all the files with the same extension, then select “Change All”

By the way, if you’re wondering which piece of software you should use to visualise video files on Mac OS X, I recommend VLC. It’s fantastic, and it’s free!!

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