Common MVS System Address Spaces

The following table lists some of the most common MVS system address spaces:

Adress Space Description
ANTAS000 Concurrent Copy Support
ANTMAIN Concurrent Copy support
BPXOINIT USS Address Space initiators
CATALOG Catalog Address Space – Handles DISP=SHR, DISP=OLD, and DISP=(…,CATLG)
CONSOLE Console Task – operator’s interface
DLF Data Look aside Facility – sharable data in memory (part of LLA)
DUMPSRV Dump Services – writes dumps in case of failure
EPWFFST First Failure Support Technology (makes sure all required information is captured in case of a failure)
FTPD1 FTP Server Daemon (part of TCPIP)
GRS Global Resource Serialisation
IOSAS IO Supervisor
IXFLOGR System Logger
JES2 Job Entry Subsystem
JES2AUX JES2 Additional Support
JES2MON JES2 Monitor
JESXCF JES Common Coupling Facility
LLA Library (Linklist) Look aside Facility
MMS MVS Message Service
MSOAPROC Msys for Operations
OMVS Open Edition MVS (USS/UNIX)
PCAUTH Cross Memory Support
RACF RACF Started Address Space
RASP Real Storage Manager
RESOLVER DNS (Domain Name Services) Resolver (part of TCPIP)
RMF Resource Measurement Facility – performance monitoring
SMF System Management Facility – system usage
SMS Storage Management Subsystem – handles allocation of DISP=NEW datasets
TCPIP Internet Protocol (part of VTAM)
TNF Communications Server Termination Notification Facility (part of TCPIP)
TRACE Trace facilities
TSO Time Sharing Option
VLF Virtual Look aside Facility (part of LLA)
WLM Workload Manager
XCFAS Cross System Coupling Facility – how multiple zOS images talk to each other
VCMF Communications Server Virtual Machine (used by older versions of TCPIP)
VTAM Virtual Telecommunications Access Method – green screens & more. Controls TCPIP; talks to the communication hardware.


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