Create a History Data Set from the Logrec Data Set

By creating a history file and then running all the reports against that file, the Systems Programmer ensures that all of the reports are using the same set of records. //LOGRECHS JOB CLASS=A,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),MSGCLASS=X,NOTIFY=&SYSUID //*—————————————————————— //* COPIES SYS1.LOGREC TO HISTORY FILE MVS.LOGREC.HISTORY //*—————————————————————— //HISTORY EXEC PGM=IFCEREP1,REGION=1024K, // PARM=’ACC,ZERO=N’ //SERLOG DD DISP=(OLD,KEEP),DSN=SYS1.LOGREC […]


Defining a Logrec Log Stream

First of all and before defining a Logrec log stream, the Systems Programmer should make sure that the system in question was IPLed with a Logrec data set initialized by IFCDIP00. If this is not the case, you cannot change the Logrec recording medium from LOGSTREAM to DATASET using the […]


How to define the Logrec Data Set SYS1.LOGREC

If you want to define a Logrec Data Set, you must first allocate it and then initialize it. //IFCDIP00 JOB CLASS=A,MSGLEVEL=(1,1),MSGCLASS=X,NOTIFY=&SYSUID //*—————————————————————— //*  CREATE A NEW LOGREC DATASET AND INITIALIZE IT //*—————————————————————— //IFCDIP00 EXEC PGM=IFCDIP00 //SERERDS  DD  DSN=SYS1.LOGREC,DISP=(,CATLG), //         VOL=SER=MVSRES,UNIT=3390,SPACE=(CYL,3,,CONTIG) /* In this example we create and initialize Logrec Data […]


Using IEBCOPY to compress a Data Set

Here’s an example of a IEBCOPY job to compress a data set: //COMPRESS JOB (),’RMF’,NOTIFY=&SYSUID,CLASS=A,MSGLEVEL=(1,1), // MSGCLASS=X //******************************************* //* //* COMPRESS A DATA SET USING IEBCOPY //* //******************************************* //STEP1 EXEC PGM=IEBCOPY //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* //INPUT DD DSNAME=SYS1.EXAMPLE.FILE,DISP=SHR //OUTPUT DD DSNAME=SYS1.EXAMPLE.FILE,DISP=SHR //SYSIN DD * COPY INDD=INPUT,OUTDD=OUTPUT /* Note that we are […]