Year: 2011

What is RACF and what does it do?
RACF (Resource Access Control Facility) helps to secure an organization’s Mainframe environment by providing: – Flexible control of access to protected resources – Protection of installation-defined resources – Ability to store information for other products – Choice of centralized or decentralized control of profiles – An ISPF panel interface – […]

Types of JCL Statements
JOB – Identifies the beginning of a job. The JOB statement informs the operating system of the start of a job, gives the necessary accounting information, and supplies run parameters. Each job must begin with a single JOB statement EXEC – Indicates what work is to be done. EXEC (execute) statement […]

XCF Member
A member is a specific function (one or more routines) of a multisystem application that is joined to XCF and assigned to a group by the multisystem application. A member concept applies to all authorized routines running in the address space that issued the IXCJOIN macro service. Only for termination […]